Easter Love
My mom used to tell me how fast time flies once you become an adult. I never really related to that statement until I had kids. Honestly, right now, an year feels like just about how six months used to feel like before having kids. Perhaps I am too busy even noticing the passage of time or perhaps time really is shrinking right before my eyes!!! In any case, I typed all that to say that I cannot believe we just had our last meeting of the year. UNBELIEVABLE. What? we already had 7 KidsServe meetings this year?? We started our meeting by reflecting these past few months since October. Some of the favorite meetings the kids mentioned were the Christmas visit to the senior care living home, drawing pictures for others, etc. Someone mentioned her favorite was going to the fire station, although we had to remind her that was from last year. Good input though, we'll make a mental note of that. We reflected how we served our church with cleaning, overseas kids with Chris...