
Showing posts from February, 2017

Love is in the air

Hi KidsServe families! Every month as we get together, I never leave the meeting without feeling amazed by the amount of pure love our children can give to complete strangers. Once they are provided with info about those in need, and once they are given a task, they work at it with full passion and compassion, perhaps without even realizing how much love they have for others. The same goes to the parent/teenager volunteers. The meetings cannot happen without your full on support and love! This month, our kids have demonstrated yet again how much love they have in them. We had two things to focus this month of love: 1. Our sponsor child Aisha in Tanzania. We set out to write messages in a form of hand shape cut outs. Each child traced their own hands, wrote his/her name and wrote their favorite things in each finger. Aren't they sweet? Our hope is that Aisha will get a better feel of who she is loved by. The second focus of the day: A won...